The well-being of nature is the foundation of good food

Chef and wilderness guide Markus Maulavirta takes tourists into the forest. For many travellers visiting Finland for the first time, this is an unbelievable experience that can be found surprisingly close to the city. “You don´t need to go more than 20 minutes eastwards from Helsinki to be deep in the backwoods of Sipoo. For travellers from big cities, the silence of the forest is often the most amazing thing of all.

Markus Maulavirta

Pike soup

Markus’ knives

Villa Kivi in Porkkalanniemi designed by Vertti Kivi

Sauna stool designed by Antti Nurmesniemi in 1952 for the sauna facilities in the Palace Hotel.

Lingonberry kissel. The camping plate and cutlery are used daily by Markus.

Photos by Anton Sucksdorff

Art Direction Mila Pentti

@maulavirtamarkus @vertti_kivi |

Read the full story in Fine Finland.
